Tales from Equestria

Open group | 170 Members

02. Getting Started on PaperDemon

Getting Started on PaperDemon


PaperDemon is a website where the group hosts all its characters, items, and more! It is a site built specifically for ARPGs. When you first go there, you’ll get a screen like this:





To start, click “Sign Up”. It’s free!

Once you have an account, you’ll get a screen similar to this:





5 PDARPG steps? So much to do! What is all this?

These are steps for you if you want to participate in PaperDemon’s sitewide ARPG. It has nothing to do with Tales for Equestria. You do not need to touch it to participate in our group. You can completely ignore it if you want!

Instead, you want to go to our Group Page by clicking the following link.

This is the Tales from Equestria group page. This is where you can find all helpful links, our discord, other members, characters, item shop, and more!

On the top, where it says “Tales from Equestria” and “Art RPG Group” there is a button that says “Join Group”. Click that button and you’re in! You are now an official member!




Now check out our guide Starting with Tales from Equestria!