Tales from Equestria

Open group | 168 Members

Development Prompts

Development Prompts


These prompts encourage you to develop your character and you will receive bonus Horsehoes and Progression Points. These can be completed once per character.


All development prompt submissions receive an extra 10 PP and HS.


Childhood Prompts

  • What frightened your character as a child? You may be as serious or silly as you like.
  • What was your character’s favorite game as a child? Depict them playing that game when young or revisiting now they’re older!
  • What did your character want to be when they grew up? Did it end up relating to their cutie mark?
  • Was Nightmare Night something that frightened your character as a child, or did they look forward to it?


Seasonal Prompts

  • It’s starting to get cold outside and sometimes even snow! Depict your character dealing with the cold weather.
  • Hearts and Hooves day either makes ponies feel happy with their loved ones or a bit lonely…how does your character feel about it? Do they usually spend it alone? With friends? Family?
  • Spring brings a lot of changes to Equestria. Does your character enjoy Spring with all the incoming flowers? Or do they hate the pollen and the rain that comes with it?


Lore-Based Prompts

  • How does your character view Wild Magic? Depict your character either expressing their views on Wild Magic or having a first-hand encounter with it.
  • How does your character feel about hybrids? Depict your character interacting with a hybrid or a situation involving prejudice against hybrids, whether they agree with it or not.
  • The raiders from Cloudsdale received probation and had to help rebuild Canterlot. How does your character view the raiders? Do they forgive them? Do they think the punishment was enough?


Other Prompts

  • Choose a food your character either loves or hates. Do a piece that tries to show why they like/dislike it or shows an experience where they were surprised with the food.
  • Depict a time where your character was injured. It can be a small or serious injury. How did it happen and how did they react?
  • Depict a moment where your character had to make a big decision.
  • Does your character prefer the outdoors or staying outside? Is there an event that sparked their preference?
  • What is something your character regrets? (Prompt thanks to ToastyCinnabear!)
  • Does your character prefer to lead or follow? Or something inbetween?  Create a piece that shows the consequences of this.
  • Who was your character's first friend? How did they meet? (Prompt thanks to TheBlackCatsTale!)
  • What is your character's favorite and least favorite cookie flavor? Do they have any good or bad memories associated with them?
  • What is a tradition your character's family has? Describe it and how your character feels about it.