Tales from Equestria

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01. History of Equestria

History of Equestria


The following describes the history of Equestria prior to the start of the ARPG. 




Government History


A very long time ago, Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship, ruled over Equestria. With the help of her friends, who wielded the powers of the Elements of Harmony, she ruled wisely. Realizing the success of her rule was the direct result of her friends’ aid, she formally established the Council of Friendship, so that no ruler would ever have to face challenges alone. To this day all Princesses have a Council of Friendship to advise them on all decisions of the realm. All princesses train their successors before retiring. The whereabouts of retired Princesses are currently unknown, as all have disappeared from the public eye following the retirement of Princess Twilight Sparkle, bringing an end to the Age of Princesses. 



The Rise of Wild Magic


Partway through the reign of Princess Luster Dawn, changes began to creep into the corners of Equestria. Traditional areas of magic began to hum with life. Wilderness began to grow and spread with alarming speed. Within these wilds, creatures became more unpredictable and dangerous. They demonstrated new abilities and forms, posing new hazards for citizens across the realm. By the time this surge of "Wild Magic" was recognized as a substantial threat, it became impossible to contain. Small towns were destroyed or abandoned. Contact between many cities disappeared and much of the state of the world became unknown to most. The unease felt by Equestrians was only heighted when Princess Luster Dawn disappeared, leaving the realm to her successor, Princess Dawn Bringer. Some rumors say she retired in shame at her failure to protect Equestria, while others hope that she has gone to seek a solution for the Wild Magic crisis.



Modern Equestria


Wild magic has eroded Equestria to a fraction of its former scope. With wild magic and the creatures imbued with it, much of the land became swallowed in chaos and peril.  One princess alone has not been enough to keep Equestria safe. The most recent Princess Dawn Bringer has struggled to use her magic efficiently. As a last resort she has pulled back official protection to Canterlot and Ponyville. Her own magic is used to directly protect Canterlot and keep danger outside the borders, while in Ponyville magicians at the School of Friendship maintain defenses there. Princess Dawn Bringer has tasked the Knight of Equestria and the Canterlot School of Sorcery with slowly reclaiming territory and seeking a more permanent solution. 



A Society Built on Magic


Wild magic wasn’t the only power in Equestria to grow. Traditional magic grew in strength among the unicorns, allowing for the integration of spells into everyday life. Enchantments gave magical properties and abilities to a wide array of devices, tools, and accessories, allowing even Earth and Pegasus ponies to take advantage of the advancements. Just as humans advanced around the industrial revolution, Equestria has advanced around magic and woven it into their technology and innovations. Very little in a typical pony life is done without the touch of magic.



Traditional vs Wild Magic


Traditional magic (also known as true magic or institutatal magic) is magic performed by unicorns and alicorns through magic spells and incantations. A great amount of discipline and study is required for higher level traditional magic. A bit like language, simple spells can be picked up through observation, while complex magic must be studied.


Wild Magic (also known as natural magic or corrupted magic) is magic any individual can access by connecting with magic sources typically found in nature. Since any being can access this type of magic, even creatures with lower intelligence or sentience can be imbued with wild magic. Wild magic is channeled rather than controlled, making spells and scripts unnecessary.