Tales from Equestria

Open group | 166 Members

October Updates

October Event and Mini-Games

The October Event "Nightmare Night Fun" is now live! Have your character explore the corn maze, you never know what they might find...

In our Nightmare Night Games, your character can carve a pumpkin, enter a costume contest, or even tell some spooky stories! There are a variety of ways to enter and prizes to win.


Logistic Changes

Submissions: There is an official form for submissions now, please use it to help our modertors!

From now on, all links must be accessible without a login for submissions to be processed. We don't mind people not using PaperDemon to host all their submissions, but requiring login to sites like Toyhouse can bog down moderators processing currency.

Refugee Rolls: Please use the form when posting all refugee rolls, both on PaperDemon or when posting on Discord. This form requires you to tell us if you have uncommon or rare species unlocked to make proccessing faster.

Critique Discord Channel: We now have a discord channel specifically for critiques.

A new development post has been posted!