PaperDemon Art RPG

Open group | 1303 Members

Armor Crafting and Forging Queue

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  • D1-37 Power Armor art

    1 approvals and 3 total requests by UnlikelyValentine in Armor Crafting and Forging

    May 30, 2024, 4:42:25 PM UTC

    🟨 ARPG Request

    PaperDemon Art RPG PaperDemon Art RPG

    Queue: Crafting > Armor Crafting and Forging

    Type of Armor: [Heavy]
    Color: [Silver]

    ! PLEASE do not continue until you can answer YES to all of the following questions...

    Did you craft the necessary armor and kept it in your player inventory? [yes]

    Did you name your art submission the name you want for your armor item? [yes]

    Do you acknowledge that your art now becomes a commodity in the game that can be traded/sold? [yes]

    Do you acknowledge that we will not take down your art from the in-game item if it has been traded/sold to another player? [yes]

    🟨 Your request is still pending processing by a game admin.