PaperDemon Art RPG

Open group | 1356 Members
item picture

Advocate Medallion



  • 1 for 125 Trokens
Unlimited quantity available

This item infuses your character's talisman with the Advocate ability once equipped to your character. This casts an attack buff on your duocast partner for one round.

ow to buy

To purchase this item, you'll need Trokens. You can purchase them from our shop or earn them from random item drops.

How to use

  1. After purchasing/obtaining this item, visit your character sheet for the character you want to attach to
  2. Click the [Equip item] button
  3. Search for the name Advocate Medallion. Confirm equip.


Art by yanang


  • Id: 1849
  • Added on Apr 11, 2023
  • ✅ Can be purchased
  • ✅ Can be traded
  • ✅ Player can equip to approved character
  • ✅ Player can de-equip from approved character

Crafting Recipes