PaperDemon Art RPG

Open group | 1356 Members
item picture

Sell back to bank

  • 1 for 50 Gold




  • 1 for 100 Gold
Unlimited quantity available

Provides 20% resistance against Water element attacks targeting your character. Lasts one full battle.


How to use

  • After crafting or obtaining the item in your inventory, visit your character sheet for the character you want to equip it to.
  • Click the [Equip Item] Button
  • In the item search box, type "Mop" and select it from the search box drop down. Then click the [Equip Mop] Button.


WARNING: You cannot de-equip this item once you equip it to your character to avoid reusing across battles.


  • Id: 1496
  • Added on Apr 8, 2022
  • ✅ Can be purchased
  • ✅ Can be sold back to bank
  • ✅ Can be traded
  • ✅ Player can equip to approved character
  • ✅ Player can de-equip from approved character
  • 😱 Item is deleted when de-equipped

Crafting Recipes