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NaNoWriMo 2011

  1. Posted on Nov 14, 2011, 5:12:34 PM UTC
    ID: 27656 | #3
    Level 7

    I had thought about doing NaNoWriMo this year, but Skyrim came out in the middle of the month here, so I knew I wouldn't make it. When I'm not at work I've been playing Skyrim, that's about it. ^^; November really isn't a good month for it, there's so many holidays, and people who work jobs like mine (retail, ew) are always so much busier with work and things. So I decided not to even try, this month.

    However, some of my friends at a forum I visit are planning to hold "JanNoWriMo" instead, since we're all too busy to do it for November. Everything slows way down holiday and work-wise in January, so it seems like a great way to kick off the new year! :D

  2. Posted on Nov 15, 2011, 9:29:09 PM UTC
    ID: 27660 | #4
    Level 20 BETA

    I thought I would use it as a challenge to finish inks on an old comic.  A co-worker at my bookstore is doing NaNoWriMo and asked if my inking a comic would make this "NaCoInkMo" :)

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