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Have you ever had that feeling?

  1. Posted on Aug 30, 2006, 3:40:16 AM UTC
    ID: 12176 | #1
    Level 9 BANNED
    Hi everyone! I was just looking over my writing and then I was think about what it means to me, so I just had this wierd feeling. That I have been through so much that it all hurts too much to control. Have any of you guys had that feeling? Because I would like to know that what I am going through has happen to others... well thanx for commenting it means alot to me! =)
  2. Posted on Aug 30, 2006, 4:42:05 AM UTC
    ID: 12180 | #2
    Level 23

    Yes, you are absolutely not alone.  I try to shy away from writing painful things and hid behind the world of Inuyasha fanfiction, but there are times when I borrow situations from my life.  I wrote a scene inwhich a main character dies and the death was based off of what happened to a friend of mine who passed away.  I cried and cried and cried writing it and then cried some more when I read the chapter to edit it.  In my a/n for that chapter, I even asked that no one criticize it because it was a page out of my life, everything, the situations, the reactions, everything.  I had never done that before and I haven't done it since.  I usually really enjoy constructive criticism because I want to become a better writer, but the chapter I wrote was too painful to have anyone rip it apart.  I did recieve 1 critical review and I actually had it deleted. 

    I've written 2 stories that I've posted on 3 different sites.  I've only deleted 3 reviews, the one I just mentioned and then I recieved 2 from someone that had reivewed the wrong story, realized what he had done, and wrote a 2nd review to apologize.  I figured that since those 2 reviews wouldn't let potential readers know anything about the quality of the story and simply made it seem as if I had more reviews, they didn't need to stay.  I've even left the one and only flame I've ever recieved up, so hopefully that tells you a little bit about how recieving that review made me feel.

    I guess this was a long response to your question, but I want you to know that there's someone else that understands.  When you write, you often open up your self, the things you've locked away, the pain you've suffered, the bad memories, suppressed emotions, your inner darkness, and sometimes even your very soul.  These things aren't easy to lay bare for everyone to see and it can hurt incredibly badly to release them.  Take heart, love, you're definately not alone in this. 

  3. Posted on Aug 31, 2006, 10:32:12 AM UTC
    ID: 12213 | #4
    Level 71

    That's the same way for me, because usually I write when I'm angry or sad and writing just helps to get things off my heart.  Although not everything I write is personal but I feel that this is my best writing.:ponders:


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