PaperDemon Art RPG

Open group | 1328 Members

Kind of Overdue - but Hello!

  1. Posted on Jun 20, 2018, 10:56:22 PM UTC
    ID: 29063 | #1
    Level 1

    Ciera | 29  -- There's something to be said about art - that draws me in every time - and keeps me coming back for more, while always keeping me invested as well as interested in it. My focus is on improving my skills in digital art and practicing with that at the moment. I'm always open to feedback and just looking to really get active in this community.

  2. Posted on Jun 25, 2018, 2:14:03 AM UTC
    ID: 29071 | #2
    Level 281 ADMIN

    Welcome CherryWitchery! Super excited to have you be a part of it!

    What types of things help you improve? Are you using any software in particular for your digital art?


    Also sorry the first reply to your message was spam. We've been having a lot of that in the forums lately heart

  3. Posted on Jul 21, 2018, 8:58:22 PM UTC
    ID: 29093 | #3
    Level 1

    On Jun 25, 2018, BogusRed said:

    Welcome CherryWitchery! Super excited to have you be a part of it!

    What types of things help you improve? Are you using any software in particular for your digital art?


    Also sorry the first reply to your message was spam. We've been having a lot of that in the forums lately heart

    Thank you for the welcome, BogusRed. (=

    Some things that help me improve - was looking through tutorials, timelapses, how - to's , and studying other folks' techniques, as well. I personally use Easy Paint tool Sai ,, and Photoshop for my digital art. Usually mostly Paint tool Sai though. 

    No problem on the spam. It happens! I can understand that. 


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