PaperDemon Art RPG

Open group | 1328 Members

Not exactly new, but... Hey there!

  1. Posted on May 24, 2017, 11:15:19 AM UTC
    ID: 28847 | #1
    Level 3
    Hello everyone! I'm not a new member, but... I don't really feel like I belong here (not to mention I couldn't log in for almost 3 months for some silly reason and I've even been planning to delete this account if I ever log in). What do you think?
    And what is your reason for joining PaperDemon? Mine was my best friend telling me about this place.
    P.S.: I'm not a native English speaker, so I'm sorry for any and all mistakes that I ever make in my writing.
    P.P.S.: I'd be happy to chat and meet other members, but I have almost no idea how this site works, haha! So... feel free to start talking to me? (and I'm not sure where exactly to post this, so if I'm ever breaking any rules - please correct me).
  2. Posted on May 26, 2017, 3:59:59 AM UTC
    ID: 28848 | #2
    Level 281 ADMIN

    Hello Juricha.

    Welcome back to PaperDemon! Sorry you had trouble logging into your account. Please reach out to me any time you have issues. My email is [email protected].

    Most of the features for managing your account are available when you click on "Submit" at the top. You can also adjust settings for your account by clicking on your username at the top.

    Let me know if you run into any other trouble using the site. And it's good to have you back around!

  3. Posted on May 26, 2017, 11:08:35 AM UTC
    ID: 28852 | #3
    Level 3

    Hi! And thank you very much!
    I'm not sure what the reason for not being able to log in was, but all the browsers I tried kept saying that the https connection is unstable (or something similar) and not letting me log in. And then it suddenly was okay. It seemed like a problem on my end, so I decided not to bother the staff over it. I'm not sure, though.
    Okay, I surely will! And thank you!
    This site is really nice, and it's a shame that it isn't more popular.

  4. Posted on May 26, 2017, 5:32:43 PM UTC
    ID: 28853 | #4
    Level 281 ADMIN

    Hmm that's weird. especially that you got that error in multiple browsers. If it happens again, please let me know and I'll help you troubleshoot. I don't think it was just you since it happened in multiple browsers.

    Maybe there was something wrong with our ssl cert or something? I renew it every three months so that might be why it suddenly started working again.

  5. Posted on Jun 6, 2017, 1:14:54 AM UTC
    ID: 28862 | #6
    Level 66

    Hi! I joined because I was trying to branch off of deviantart, since I don't quite like how the site is handling itself anymore, but I've found that this site has a nice little community and actually is tied for my favorite. People comment more on other's work here than other sites I've been on, and since there aren't too many people on here, it feels like a tight knit place, at least to me. I hope you change your mind on deleting your account, it would be wonderful to see more stuff from you!

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