PaperDemon Art RPG

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Zin-sponsored Sims thread

  1. Posted on Mar 5, 2024, 9:47:39 PM UTC
    ID: 46792 | #1
    Level 15

    ...i'm talkative today!

    the sims series has been a long-standing special interest of mine, and i'm very, very dedicated to making my ocs in it, locations from my headworld, and modding in mechanics from said headworld! but even if you're not as wild about it as i am, there's gotta still be some people who enjoy making their ocs (or otherwise) in the sims... right? right??

    currently i main the sims 4, simply because it's the easiest to make mods for imo! but when i was growing up i was obsessed with TS3 - to the point where i'd set alarms to wake up at 5am on schooldays so i could play it before school.


    of course, can't just talk about it without sharing my own stuff... here's suika (one of my chars on PD) in sims form! the bonus to having made 3d models of all my ocs is i can kind of just. cut and paste the 3d parts into the sims LOL

  2. Posted on Mar 6, 2024, 11:10:30 PM UTC
    ID: 46807 | #3
    Level 15

    On Wed, 06 Mar 2024 08:07:53 GMT, BogusRed said in post id 46802:

    That looks really cool! Suika looks disgusted at something hehe

    thank you!! i'd bet she's disgusted at her partner in crime (and... other things) yuugi (who isn't on PD yet but has been present in a few of suika's written works) : p

    the way i'd set up their in-game preferences / likes and dislikes makes it so they'd probably have a bit of a tough time getting along in game, but honestly? if they aint a 'i can't stand you but also i need you in my life' situationship in canon as it is...


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