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Game Companies!

  1. Posted on Aug 19, 2006, 3:05:29 AM UTC
    ID: 11841 | #1
    Level 112
    I got into discussion about this in the chatbox and decided to make it a topic! Anyway, what is/are everyones favorite Game companies? My favs are Square Enix, Bungie, Microsoft, Nintendo, and Lucas Arts. If I play my cards right then I'll work for one of them! What about you guys?
  2. Posted on Aug 19, 2006, 7:57:34 AM UTC
    ID: 11852 | #3
    Level 115
    Hmm I'd say Nintendo, Atari, Capcom,  Square Enix, and Sucker Punch they made Sly Cooper! XD

    Last edited by Jilly on Aug 20, 2006, 4:28:17 PM UTC. 1 total edits.

  3. Posted on Aug 20, 2006, 3:05:09 AM UTC
    ID: 11865 | #4
    Level 6
    Konami (Metal Gear Solid)
    Capcom ( Resident Evil and Megaman)
    Square Enix (Final Fantasies)
    Level 5 (Dragon Quest 8 and Dark Clouds 1& 2)
    Atari (DBZ games)
    Midway (Mortal Kombat)
    Acclaim (Turok)
    Naughty Dog (Crash Bandicoot and Jak and Daxter series)
    EDIT: i cant believe i forgot this one! GT Interactive (Duke Nukem)

    Last edited by Shalashaska on Aug 21, 2006, 2:26:19 AM UTC. 1 total edits.

  4. Posted on Aug 20, 2006, 10:17:07 AM UTC
    ID: 11875 | #5
    Level 39
    Mm-m... Let's see...

    Black Isle (tha BEST rpg's are from this company :worship: :bounce: :worship: (Planescape Torment, Icewind Dale, Baldur's Gate...))

    Bugbear Entertaiment (FINNISH game company!! :worship: (FlatOut, FlatOut 2))

    Nintendo (Mario - series, Legend of Zelda - series, Metroid - series...) :worship:

    Remedy (another FINNISH game company! (Max Payne 1 & 2))

    Id Software (some of the best FPS games are from this company... :worship: (Doom 1 & 2, Quake 1 & 2, Heretic: Shadow of the Serpent Rider))

    Electronic Arts (System Shock 2)

    Looking Glass Studios (System Shock 2)

    Silicone Knights (Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem)

    Squaresoft (some good RPG's here... (Secret of Mana 1 & 2, Secret of Evermore, Final Fantasy 7 & 8)

    GT Interactive (Heretic: Shadow of the Serpent Rider, Blood)

    Bitmap Brothers (Z, Z: Steel Soldiers)

    EA Games (Battlefield - series)

    Bethesda Software (Elders Scroll 3 & 4 (Morrowind & Oblivion)

    Sierra (thanks for the scariest game so far, Sierra. I had to wash dozen of pants just because of F.E.A.R. :doh: ;) (Half-Life 1 & 2, F.E.A.R.))

    Monolith (Blood, F.E.A.R.)

    Interplay (Descent 2, Sacrifice)

    *Edit: ErrorFree: (Ultimate Tapan Kaikki, Tapan Kaikki 4: BloodShed (Tapan Kaikki is finnish and it means roughly I'll-Kill-'Em-All)*

    Last edited by Brethesen on Sep 5, 2006, 9:04:06 AM UTC. 2 total edits.

  5. Posted on Aug 20, 2006, 2:04:45 PM UTC
    ID: 11884 | #6
    Level 22

    On Aug 20, 2006 3:17 am, Brethesen said:
    Squaresoft (some good RPG's here... (Secret of Mana 1 & 2, Secret of Evermore, Final Fantasy 7 & 8)


    I miss when they were just Squaresoft... :( Enix has made them so... "poppy" over the years...

    I mean, I still enjoy most of their games... but not like back when they were simply good ole' Squaresoft. ~Ahh~

  6. Posted on Aug 25, 2006, 4:55:29 AM UTC
    ID: 12074 | #8
    Level 281 ADMIN
    On Aug 20, 2006 7:04 am, Monshterrabbit said:

    On Aug 20, 2006 3:17 am, Brethesen said:
    Squaresoft (some good RPG's here... (Secret of Mana 1 & 2, Secret of Evermore, Final Fantasy 7 & 8)


    I miss when they were just Squaresoft... :( Enix has made them so... "poppy" over the years...

    I mean, I still enjoy most of their games... but not like back when they were simply good ole' Squaresoft. ~Ahh~


    I second that!

    Nintendo is at the top of my list. At a close second is SquareEnix. Nintendo in my opinion is the best company because they have a wide variety of top notch games and they also strive for innovation with their consoles.
  7. Posted on Aug 25, 2006, 5:57:11 PM UTC
    ID: 12086 | #9
    Level 39
    Bogusred, you're referring to Wii rite? :lol: I preordered my Wii at the beginning of the summer, and now i'l waiting for it's release. I'm a game freak so sue me XD

    Off-Topic: Anyone played Final Doom by Id? I keep on dying at The Plutonia Experiment level 3 and helpful advices needed (stuck on a bridge, where 2 chaingun guys appears behind me and 3 skeletons motherf... appears before me...)

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