PaperDemon Art RPG

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Ranting and Raving

  1. Posted on Aug 25, 2015, 7:14:20 AM UTC
    ID: 28340 | #1
    Level 9

    There is just some stuff that I can't let go of. I suggested to a friend that he should move over to Paper Demon because it focuses more on the artist and not the bottom dollar that DA has been doing. So he tells me he will not because he saw an Advert that was on the top for the Red Curtain side of the site that had two guys kissing and he would not move to this site. I told him it was on another part of the site you don't have to go to, he said he would rather stay on DA.  So I say to him "You would rather stay on a site loaded with Soft Porn (and some not so soft) because an art site had an advert of two guys kissing."

    -grabs and screams- 

    I don't understand him. I don't understand any one that wants to judge a book by it's cover. 

    This site is so much better than DA. Had to get that off my chest. I'm going back to drawing. 

    Thank You for your time.

  2. Posted on Aug 27, 2015, 1:45:01 AM UTC
    ID: 28341 | #2
    Level 281 ADMIN

    I understand if he's offended by that sort of thing. That's why we have gallery filters so you can always filter out homosexual and other art if you want. But I never thought about it applying to advertisements. We don't have big banner advertisements on the site anymore anyways. So tell him he shouldn't have that problem anymore and if he has trouble he can reach out to me and I can help him out.

    Sorry you couldn't convert one of your friends :-( But I'm always open to feedback and am willing to take action to improve things.

    You're right that we aren't focused on the bottom dollar here. If I were doing it for the money, then I wouldn't be a very good businesswoman. The site costs more to run than it takes in in revenue.


  3. Posted on Aug 27, 2015, 7:25:50 AM UTC
    ID: 28342 | #3
    Level 9

    I have not seen that advert in a while.  

    I don't see anything that needs improved on the site. I like the way it is laid out and the community itself has an open, friendly fill (none sterile). I will next time I see/talk to him, but I don't think it will change his way of thinking. 

    The one thing I do thing would be good to do again are the Contest. I have seen the past ones and think it would of been nice to hop on them. 

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