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Fate Character Profile

  1. Posted on Feb 13, 2018, 8:27:51 PM UTC
    ID: 28989 | #1
    Level 66

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    Race: Dragon

    Age: 4 harsni (dragon unit of age, =/= year)

    Gender: Drenice (term for female dragon)

    Ethnicity: Southern sea dreki (filler, still working on this stuff)

    Power:  General magic, water manipulation (budding, up for change)

    Sexuality: NA

    Residence: Seventh isle of Lilies in the Dragon Refuge (current), Sea of the south (former, filler)

    Occupation: Student (general), main babysitter (family), fisher (family)

    Relationships: Jisesod/Temek (best friend), Bogū (brother figure), Khat (sister/mom figure)

    Physical Description: Blue dreki (standard dragon build, four legs, two wings, short body) with a silver underside. She has large green eyes, a long and thin snout,  and two sealable nostrils. Her gums are pink with retractable fangs, many small  and narrow teeth, and a very broad tongue (of which mostly rests in a rolled position). Two streamlined back facing horns of a silver color sprout from the back of her scalp, framing a large fin crest that goes along her spine down the length of her  neck and half of her tail, both of which are long and flexible, while two smaller fins grow from the back of her jaw and next to her ears (helping her hear better). Dappling of aqua and light blue goes down her spine and across her cheeks and forehead, with a row of red scales along her centerline. Seven gill slits show near the base of her neck. Her form is very slender and delicate, though her torso is very large and round- this is due to a unique organ to her people, a large bladder than can store a considerable amount of water for the sake of sharply increasing her dive speed. This organ can also quickly expel said water to quickly rise, and has a double function of being able to produce a pressurized stream to shoot when in air. Her wings are reminiscent of flying fish fins, with many branching philanges and a connected side fan for additional mobility- in addition to this, she also has a small fin at the base of her wings for water navigation. She has four toes per foot, all webbed, with the first toes of her front paws having a hook claw for fishing.

    Personality and Disposition: An extremely shy drenice, she wilts in the presence of people she doesn't know. She doesn't like being stared at is afraid of upsetting people, and doesn't know how to keep up a good conversation under stress, which makes her very unremarkable to most, but she handles herself a little better around the other dragons of her archipelago (mostly), and loves being around the babies. The youngest ones don't intimidate her, so she acts the most like herself around them- the same goes for animals, whom she adores. She's curious by nature, but her anxious personality prevents her from accessing most sources of information. Fate does not handle upset individuals well, and will usually run and think it was somehow her fault they got in that mood.

    Hobbies and Mannerisms: Fate spends most of her time with the babies, making sure they don't run off and are entertained. When she isn't, she likes to collect sea shells and interesting bits from plants, bead neclaces and other accessories, read non-fiction, and feed the local peafowl flock and cats. Swimming with her friend Jisesod is another thing she enjoys, since both have gills and can explore underwater where the other kids can't.

    Miscellaneous: -Called fish 'fif' for a while when younger, Khat still uses the term with her, to her great embarrassment.

    -If she is sufficiently suprised, she will spurt a splash of water.

    Last edited by MaskedLin on Jul 3, 2019, 6:42:37 AM UTC. 1 total edits.

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