Mysterious Bloom

Closed group | 136 Members

Colossal Plants Queue

View event

Please give staff at least 72 hours to process your submission!

If it's been longer, please give your submission a poke in the queue poke thread!

Modwork instructions

Confirm the user's boarding pass here! You can search the channel for an ID number or username.

Confirm that the user's work meets the minimum requirements of...

A shaded fullbody and simple background for 2D artwork
1000 words for narrative writing
2.5 standard-format pages for screenplay/script
6 verses for poetry
A posed model interacting with the environment or another pokemon for 3D artwork

Also, make sure to check the submission page itself, in cases of it being multi-image! I also like to leave nice comments about the piece while I';m here, too.

Remove the boarding pass from the user's inventory!

Find the grading calculators here! Use it to calculate the amount of poke/EXP the user gets, use the provided form as a guide to what to fill in.
Check for starters and lucky eggs/coins among the pokemon included!

If not already added by the player, add any non-oneoff NPC pokemon to the submission. Enter the amount of EXP they earned, as the points, and 'save points' once done!
Once points are saved, use this tool to check the pokemon's total EXP, and update their level as needed.

If the user says they do not want to take a recruit home, skip this step!
Roll their recruit's traits here! Create the pokemon as staff, and don't add an image.
Assign the character to bloomcrossroads while setting up, and change the owner to the player once traits have been added!

Set a new flag: ARPG request! Use this to send the results of the recruit roll as a private message, as well as something nice or interesting about the piece OOC! The OOC comment may be above or below the NPC message.

Cancel your reply being a part of an existing thread, and click 'reply' under the first entry in the tread. Then add the player's starter (you can search by name or ID!)

Once on the correct thread, click 'let's roll', and submit the roll to finalize the submission and clear it from the queue \o/
Make sure to add the effort-based poke amount by adding an additional item reward!

0 matching flags found.