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Post 35471 - Import Changes [Closed]

  1. Posted on Jun 26, 2021, 12:31:14 AM UTC
    ID: 35471

    Link to Stryx: Hyacinthe Character sheet - PaperDemon

    Info to Change: 
    Name: Chaundra
    Personality: Most who meet her mistake her for a simple minded stryx with impressive plumage and a distracted mind. The reality is she is actually quite smart once put to the test, it's just a matter of convincing her to work.  If you ask her, she is a bit playful and mischevious, but overall well behaved. If you ask her rider, Chaundra is a well meaning air-head who does weird things that make sense only to her. 

    Admin Note: processed DemonBird6744 6/25/2021

    Last edited by DemonBird6744 on Jun 26, 2021, 4:15:18 AM UTC. 1 total edits.