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Post 34192 - Import Changes [Closed]

  1. Posted on Apr 22, 2021, 4:58:54 PM UTC
    ID: 34192

    Link to Stryx: Dracostryx 10422 by EyeOfGalyx on DeviantArt

    Info to Change: 

    Name: Zelalt

    Nickname: Zel, Zela, Emo Birb, Fluffbutt

    Personality: Zelalt is a giant a-hole to people and stryx she doesn't know, or trust. Most of her life she was in Lackdaisy Loft, so it's justified. Want to know what isnt justified? How ornery this giant mess of feathers and sass is. The only person who she's shown to "tolerate" is her rider. Don't get close to try to pet her, you're gonna get pecked.


    Admin Note: messaged player; starchaser 4/26/2021

    Last edited by starchaser on Apr 26, 2021, 9:25:52 AM UTC. 1 total edits.