
Open group | 558 Members

Post 34049 - Import Changes [Closed]

  1. Posted on Apr 10, 2021, 12:53:10 AM UTC
    ID: 34049

    Link to Import: https://www.deviantart.com/eyeofgalyx/art/Dracostryx-11095-786699717


    Info to Change:


    Name: Io

    Nicknames: None

    Personality: She is very timid and fearful of others, her bright white feathers tend to make her stick out in her homeland, which is a dense coniferous forest. As a chick, she was rejected by her mother and dropped from the nest, but luckily she was found by her rider, who took her in and cared for her.

    Admin Note: processed Weavile 4/11

    Last edited by Weavile on Apr 11, 2021, 7:13:38 PM UTC. 1 total edits.