
Open group | 555 Members

Post 29547 - Offsite Art Approvals [Closed]

  1. Posted on Jul 21, 2020, 6:16:35 AM UTC
    ID: 29547
    Offsite Art Approvals
    Use this thread to request judging for offsite art art. These will be added to your Official tracker where they will be marked as rollable activities or simply AP.
    These requests can be rolled HERE rafter they are judged, approved, and added to your Official tracker. 

    Only one request per comment!

    This approval system is ONLY meant to handle art created by users who do not have PaperDemon Accounts.

    Please fill out this form and reply to this thread:

    Stryx Import Link:

    Art Link:

    Ap count:

    proper format

      Please provide links to other stryx, ARPG, Careers, event bonus, etc, if relevant.


    DO NOT have conversations here other than questions about your count! We must keep this area neat and tidy!


    Last edited by Shyftlock on Aug 28, 2020, 6:56:53 PM UTC. 2 total edits.