PaperDemon Art RPG

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Eláfkeria ARPG - Inventory Requests

  1. Posted on Dec 10, 2020, 12:03:52 AM UTC
    ID: 31522 | #1
    Level 1


    { Eláfkeria ARPG Inventory Requests }


    Please use this forum for Inventory requests of the Eláfkeria ARPG only!

    Purposely using it for other means will result in a warning.


    If you have any questions, please go to our Discord server's help channels.



    Item Transfers



    To transfer an item from your inventory to another player's inventory, please fill out the following form as a reply to this forum:


    Sender PaperDemon URL: [ your profile URL ]

    Receiver PaperDemon URL: [ URL of the player receiving the items ]

    Items to Transfer: [ list of items and quantity of each ]



    Conversion to Sky Fragments



    To convert an item into Sky Fragments ( SFs ), please fill out the following form as a reply to this forum:


    PaperDemon URL: [ your profile URL ]

    Items to Convert: [ list of items, quantity, and value of each ]

    Total Sky Fragments: [ sum of SFs you'll receive ]



    Important Note


    Keep in mind Semi-Customs, Eggs, and Breeding Slots cannot be deposited into your inventory, so you cannot transfer them through here. To Transfer one of these, simply reply to the origin comment with "transferred/gifted/sold/traded to [URL of new owner]". Because these items are not kept in inventories/archives, please make sure you save your proof of these. These items cannot be converted into SFs.


    Regarding conversions to SFs: an admin will always double check values and count everything before converting your items. The form asks you to do so so the admin work load isn't as tedious! Thank you!


    Keep in mind items that do not have an SF value in their description cannot be converted into SFs.



    Last edited by Kosmos-Archive on Dec 10, 2020, 12:04:14 AM UTC. 1 total edits.

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