Comment 57871

Parent Comment

Sep 8, 2007, 9:21:41 AM UTC
You don't see many ki-rins in art. I guess the unicorn takes up 90% of their population, lol.

So you want me to "roast" you, huh? Actually, it's a very clean sketch. My only suggestion is: on the back legs, the knees seem a bit too low. Then again, it's not really an actual "horse" drawing.

I like nonetheless

Comment ID 57871

[Art] Ballpoint Kirin
Sep 11, 2007, 5:49:29 PM UTC on [Art] Ballpoint Kirin
The knee is pretty long for a horse, but it fits, since most of the body looks more like a greyhound than an equine. In that context, it's perfect. ^^ The distance between the knee and hock should probably be longer, but from a stylistic point of view, it looks just fine. ^^

It's a very good sketch. It's clean, has good movement, the texture's executed perfectly, without overdoing it... "Have I ever told you you're my hee-eero?!"


  • Sep 23, 2007, 3:39:59 AM UTC
    :3 :nod: Equine anatomy's still something I struggle with. Thanks for pointing that out, I'll definitely keep it in mind next time around.

    XD :noogies:
    • Sep 23, 2007, 8:33:35 PM UTC
      Any time. ^^ It's not so hard, just takes practice. Of course, I'm a horse freak and spent half my time looking at picture books full of horses, so I had plenty of reference material... Anyways. No problem. ^^

      Oh... and noogies? OW! *rubs head*
      • Sep 24, 2007, 5:58:29 PM UTC
        :nod: Of course. :3 It'd be easier if I could be out and actually watch horses and deer up-close. XD Pictures are great but they're not as alive as I like to capture. A lot of the time pictures of horses are kinda in generic standing poses. Same for deer, it's hard to capture then in dynamic motion. O-o
        • Sep 24, 2007, 6:08:12 PM UTC
          It depends. I know I've done google searches on certain horse breeds, or whatever, and a lot of farms like to show their horses when they're playing. I have whole powerpoints full of pictures of different horses in hundreds of poses. Try it!
          • Sep 24, 2007, 6:22:43 PM UTC
            Ooh maybe I should try that rather than like "Horse" or "running horse". XD Thanks for the advice!