Comment 51638

Parent Comment

Apr 4, 2007, 2:51:40 AM UTC
:3 Sorry it's taken me so long to reply~ Haven't been around too much x3

yeah x3 I know I'm not the best with coloured pencil. :3 I wasn't trying to blame them on my mistakes x3; I know I really need to work on my value and stuff--it's hard x3 But I find that colouring value with colour is easier than my grayscale a lot of the time.

I usually don't use anything fancy at all. My mom just got me card stock, but other than that I usually use cheap printer paper from her work x3; I dunno--I haven't used wacom yet :3 I'd love to have one, but I don't see it happening anytime soon x3 so I will probably end up getting some off brand 70 dollar one x3; which I can afford x3;; or pay my mom back if she gets it for me hehe I have fairly decent pens however :3 I usually get pricier ones for that, because I hate it when they bleed too much.

I've never thought of the sand paper :3 I'll have to try it some time~ with something I'm just messing around with x3

*cough* If I'd really worked on it more x3; I might have fixed the lighting problem a bit :3 I agree there are probably far too many candles, but it probably would have looked a hell of a lot better overall if I'd deepened my shadowing and found a darker colour for a lot of it. I do like the idea of your visual however~ I may redo this at some point to give it the good old retry x3

~<3 Thank you :3

Comment ID 51638

[Art] Lilly and Remy Finished
Apr 10, 2007, 6:01:22 PM UTC on [Art] Lilly and Remy Finished
For colouring technique, it may be a good idea getting books out on pencil colouring- grey scale or otherwise. It'll give tips on shading and colour mixing and stuff Yes Tablets aren't essential despite what many say- it's just easier. it doesn't make you a beter artist- it is a more efficent way of drawing the lines you would with a pencil.

Um yeah... I'm too tired to continue ranting with justification ^^; LOL!


  • Apr 11, 2007, 1:48:05 AM UTC
    I'll just go talk with my grandmother about getting help :3 It's always so much better to have someone showing you and watching as you work something out. Then they can catch your mistakes before you do them too many times!

    I know they aren't essential. I get around without one very well for using a mouse. :3 I just wish I had one so it was a little easier to work digitally. The mouse really triggers my carpal tunnel when I use it for hours working on something x3 not that a pen or pencil don't, the movements are just different. My wrist and arm get really stiff when using the mouse for too long.
    • Apr 11, 2007, 2:10:52 AM UTC
      You don't need to preach to me- I'm totally converted on the no mouse poll. It's too dodgy. I use to get mouse stick too. That sucked...