Comment 4859

Parent Comment

Jun 23, 2005, 11:08:00 AM UTC
^-^ I usually just start a drawing when I have this little artistic urge in me that won't be sated by writing. Sometimes writin down everything gets a tad bit tedious. #_# It never takes me too long to draw something, maybe an hour, or two, if I do shading and details and what not. The thing is, I am usually writing and drawing at the same time, so I go back and forth, and you would think the drawing would have something to do with what I was wrinting, but it never does. Sometimes I do my own take of art I find intriguing and stuff, but ehhh. And I would post some of my work, but all I have is a camera to take a pic of it and post it, my scanner is broken. -shakes fist at said scanner- DARN YOU!! I WANT PEOPLE TO SEE MY HORRIBLE ART WORK!!! LoL Sorry for making this whole thing about me, I guess I am selfish in that way. Sorry about that. And it doesn't matter now, because you are still a wonderful artist!! ^-^

Comment ID 4859

[Art] Luciferous
Jun 23, 2005, 11:26:19 AM UTC on [Art] Luciferous
It really is too bad you can't post your work. Slant Most of the time I spend on my drawings is in the design, composition and border. That can take an hour to an hour and a half to sketch out just so. The rest of it is detailing and colour.

And it's not selfish to relate your own experience. It's how most people converse, luv. Thanks so much for your ego-boosters! Laughing


  • Jun 23, 2005, 11:39:56 AM UTC
    I wish I could... but... oh well. Unless I become a really good photographer and can make it seem as if the picture is scanned, which I highly doubt, I won't be able to. I can live though. ^^ And welcome!! I really do love your work. =^.^=