Comment 45056

Parent Comment

Oct 9, 2006, 4:02:06 PM UTC
hee hee yeah!! =D

And thank you!! ^_^ It's always nice to know there people out there like you ready to support instead of knock down ya know? Tongue

Besides, don't you think flaming a pic just because it has Sakura from Naruto in it is just a tad ridiculous O_o

Comment ID 45056

[Art] Rukia in the Snow
Oct 10, 2006, 7:35:02 PM UTC on [Art] Rukia in the Snow
I completely agree. Someone, just a couple weeks ago, cursed me out like you wouldn't even believe because of that Sasuke drawing I did. XD I didn't say anything but, I was thinking "uh... hello? Get a life much!?". Laughing I mean, If I had the time to to annoy people, I'd find something worth doing; not torturing artist. XD


  • Oct 12, 2006, 4:47:20 PM UTC
    Oh god you're so right!

    Speaking of which, I took some color requests on SA to practice right? I get the first one done and post it, it just so happens to be a Naruto pic, then someone comes along and says "Automatic front page because of Naruto"... I'm all -_- who cares? Art is art, weather it's done good or bad, I hate people who are so judgemental like that...
    • Oct 12, 2006, 10:06:49 PM UTC
      Yeah, I completely agree. I think that's why original art; though most of the time it's far more beautiful then fan art, will get a lot less hits, favs, or shots at front page. Yeah, fan art is cool. I do a lot of it myself. But that doesn't mean that it's good for nothing other then the subject. XD

      Ah well, what can yah do? Life goes on. XD