Comment 25565

Comment ID 25565

[Art] Test Trunks 3
Feb 20, 2006, 8:57:37 PM UTC on [Art] Test Trunks 3
Hey, you did really well on it- the only problem is that he doesn't have a rib cage. Simplified, the front when arched back has a slight curve out from the bottom of the breast to the belly button. My suggestion is to try the pose yourself, and see what your body does. I mean, its not a perfect curve, and Trunks has Saiyan muscles so that toys with it a bit, but hey Smile That's my thoughts ^^


  • Feb 20, 2006, 11:06:27 PM UTC
    Thanks! Yeah I didn't like these too much anyway and I knew there was things wrong with them (especially the hands... yuck!)but most of the time I can't point them out or it's too late by the time I point them out. But thanks again and I'm glad you thought they were ok. Yes
    • Feb 21, 2006, 2:41:31 AM UTC
      Your art work is fine tunning really quickly Smile Every picture you post, I'm noticing improvements in all of them. You still need to work on your head sizes a little, but it's alot better now than before- heck, you could make it as part of your style almost if you work it right ^^ Alot of it I reckon is finding time to sit down and really knuckle down on what something looks like. My suggestion- Draw from a complex picture. Something prefurably with tight or no clothes and draw a complex pose. Don't worry about the lighting, shading, or even the head. Draw the body's form as you see it, and spend your time getting it acurate. Once you think its right, then flip it over, and hold it up to the light and see if the image looks correct the other way around. I don't want to force anyone to do the same habits as me, but when I had the time, I'd spend a whole afternoon getting pictures as good as it can be, and I still get alot wrong. Its a multiplacation of time x correct training/practicing x passion that makes a great picture. There is a guy I know on the internet that posts 10 updates on one picture. These updates are picture perfect segments of the full picture as he finishes off areas. He spends up to a month on one picture, and it is hard to tell if its a drawing when its done unless you see it. He is a professor at an art school (guessed?). You don't need to become that much of a loner. 3 hours is a good start for a simple pose. 5 or more for complex pics... easy. I mentally block off areas into elements of a picture to crit myself- head, shoulders, torso, legs... The head is divided up further into eyes, nose mouth etc... Tutorials help, but without the self crit, then there is only words, and not practise if that makes sence...
      • Feb 21, 2006, 2:35:56 PM UTC
        I flip the pic over and do that light thing too sometimes. In this one I didn't do it obviously but I'll be sure to make it more of a habit. I usually don't listen to myself when I crit my own pics cause I'm really hard on myself Embarrassed I usually go to my brother. When I drew this though he wasn't home and I couldn't wait for him (he gets home around 2 or 3 in the morning when he's out with his friends) I'll see what I can do for future drawings I can't do much with this one anymore it's already all inked.
        • Feb 21, 2006, 9:36:26 PM UTC
          Don't think you're going crazy- if something isn't right, then find out why and fix it. I always get that. If something is wrong, other people will always notice it. Ask why something is wrong. Not what is wrong. You get depressed otherwise. Smile
          • Feb 21, 2006, 11:43:19 PM UTC
            Hmm Huh?... never thought of it that way I'll try that! Big Smile