Comment 25618

Parent Comment

Feb 21, 2006, 2:35:56 PM UTC
I flip the pic over and do that light thing too sometimes. In this one I didn't do it obviously but I'll be sure to make it more of a habit. I usually don't listen to myself when I crit my own pics cause I'm really hard on myself Embarrassed I usually go to my brother. When I drew this though he wasn't home and I couldn't wait for him (he gets home around 2 or 3 in the morning when he's out with his friends) I'll see what I can do for future drawings I can't do much with this one anymore it's already all inked.

Comment ID 25618

[Art] Test Trunks 3
Feb 21, 2006, 9:36:26 PM UTC on [Art] Test Trunks 3
Don't think you're going crazy- if something isn't right, then find out why and fix it. I always get that. If something is wrong, other people will always notice it. Ask why something is wrong. Not what is wrong. You get depressed otherwise. Smile


  • Feb 21, 2006, 11:43:19 PM UTC
    Hmm Huh?... never thought of it that way I'll try that! Big Smile