Comment 21444

Parent Comment

Dec 21, 2005, 6:49:28 PM UTC
First of all... let me say that it is incredibly difficult to type when a 3 year old is painting your nails. Or rather, fingers. Smile Anywhoo... I think you are off to a good start with the hair. For the most part, you have it down. There are a few segregated locks of hair that look stiff and all alone. They just want to be with the rest of the hair. All nice and cascading... no... I am not on drugs as I type this. Laughing Just make sure you have a few "fly-away" strands to support the locks. That will help fill in those gaps a bit more. I have no idea if that makes sense to you at all, but it sounded good in my head. I really have no idea if any of my nonsensical-chatter will help you or not. I think I am cracking up. Laughing Ah well. All my love. Mwah!

Comment ID 21444

[Art] Sketch for Hair
Dec 22, 2005, 3:01:21 PM UTC on [Art] Sketch for Hair
Hehehe, well I thank you for trying to type in that situation anyway. Grin I am not going to change anything as I was just bored, but I wanted topost it and put Roast Me becase I wanted the advice and comments, so thank you very much for your help love. Smile



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