Comment 2040

Parent Comment

May 21, 2005, 6:15:26 PM UTC
Wow :goku: Thank you!

Comment ID 2040

[Art] Japan Poster
May 22, 2005, 10:57:11 AM UTC on [Art] Japan Poster
You're welcome. I think this pic would make an awesome watercolor painting, too. Just an idea.


  • May 22, 2005, 1:41:17 PM UTC
    Hmmm, I've never really worked with watercolor before, but it couldn't hurt to try, right? ^.^ Thanks so much for the idea, I think I'll take you up on that!
    • May 22, 2005, 3:23:23 PM UTC
      Please do. You are such a great artist and I think it would be beautiful. There's even colored pencils that you can go over with water and they turn into watercolors. They're pretty inexpensive. My set was only like $4 at Staples. I love them. That's what I did the back ground on my Inuyasha collage with. Purple watercolor pencil. It turns out so pretty. I think this pic would look gorgeous like that. Well, Kenshin is just gorgeous, anyway.