Comment 14589

Comment ID 14589

[Art] Sapphire
Sep 25, 2005, 5:35:25 AM UTC on [Art] Sapphire
I love this series of pics, it really stands out from what I've seen on the site. I loved that you used specific tones to each. .What did you do them with? The BG looks like drawing on silk to me. Your figures are very graceful I must say.Smile


  • Sep 25, 2005, 5:41:16 AM UTC
    Hi Atlantis!

    Thanks for your message Smile
    I'm fond of my small series of fairies too, they don't have a specific meaning, but people seem to like them, I think it's because of what you said, the different colours (and they looks sweet ^^).
    I used watercolours, as I do with all my full colour works. The sparkly things in the background I did by throwing salt in the wet painting, which always makes nice effects.

    That's it really. Hope to see you around!

    • Sep 25, 2005, 5:50:59 AM UTC | Total Edits: 1 | Last edited on Sep 28, 2005 by Humority
      That's really original, you're doing beautiful works. Well I guess I we'll be talking. And thanks for liking my fairy. Gotta go now, cya.Wink

      Sheeh, what am I saying!