Comment 141975

Comment ID 141975

[Art] so about those kag mantas...
Mar 25, 2023, 4:06:29 PM UTC on [Art] so about those kag mantas...
THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I love this. Caspian is so happy, and the interactions are so beautiful. I can see how Kiri would be lost in wonder at the kag mantas.

It turned out so lovely. <3


  • Mar 25, 2023, 5:34:59 PM UTC
    no thank YOU! it always blows my mind when someone is interested in the things i do, especially if it goes as far as inquiring about commissions. ;__; this piece gave me that very boost i so desperately needed to get back to art from the slump i was in, so my gratefulness is very much doubled, if not more.

    i'm so so happy that you like it, thank you. ♥
    • May 17, 2023, 12:09:41 AM UTC
      Thank you so much for completing it. I love your art, and I know I'm far from being alone in that. Keep creating!