Comment 138348

Comment ID 138348

[Art] Sexual Tension
Jan 14, 2023, 2:50:18 AM UTC | Total Edits: 1 | Last edited on Jan 14, 2023 by Neap0litan on [Art] Sexual Tension
Oooooooo based off that title, it appears something spicy is about to go down! There's definitely that glint of passion behind Bryan's eyes and teensy smile >:3
Also, I know I've probably said this before but the way you draw hair is just... so satisfying? Especially Kiri's curls- the highlights?*chef's kiss*HeartStar


  • Jan 15, 2023, 8:01:28 AM UTC
    Well…. Nothing spicy went down. Too much uncertainty and they had friends nearby and they are both very confused… but if they were less emotionally damaged something may have happened. XD

    And thank you! I am glad my hair drawing skillz are satisfying! Oddly…. I don’t think you’re the only one to have said that to me before. Huh. 😂
    • Jan 15, 2023, 10:59:51 PM UTC
      Probably for the best, nobody wants to accidentally fall into a spider web or squish a bug while doing something like that XD here's to hoping they get to have their moment sometime in the future!

      And that just goes to show just how satisfying your style is! Star