Comment 10276

Parent Comment

Jul 30, 2005, 2:41:42 PM UTC
Very Happy Thanks so much!! That's so sweet!! Hey, did you want me to draw you one?

Comment ID 10276

[Art] Dragonfly -- colored
Jul 30, 2005, 3:10:45 PM UTC on [Art] Dragonfly -- colored
Oh, wow, would you?? That would be soooo awesome! Thanks, Katie! *runs up and down stares with excitement* Bounce


  • Jul 30, 2005, 3:11:50 PM UTC
    Heheh, I mean *stairs* I hate type-o's!!
    • Jul 30, 2005, 3:13:48 PM UTC
      lol That's okay, I knew what you ment. On that pic I did of Kenshin that was all green, I said "So, what looks better, glue or green?" When I ment blue, not glue. lol
      • Jul 30, 2005, 3:15:42 PM UTC
        Lol! I didn't even notice that! Laughing
        Here at home I have a rep to keep; I'm actually known as the 'Grammar Vigilante', because I can't stand bad grammar or blatant misspelling of words, lol ^_^
        • Jul 30, 2005, 3:17:27 PM UTC
          arg, I've got a friend on Otaku that does that all through EVERY PM he sends me. @_@ It drives me crazy! I mean, he's really nice and I do like him and all, but it's a bit much some days. @_@
          • Jul 30, 2005, 3:19:57 PM UTC
            I understand! It's annoying. I don't bash other people over the head about it (at least not to their faces, heheh Evil ...Just kidding!), but I absolutely hate it when I can't even type kindergarten words correctly. Arrrgghh! Mad lol!
            • Jul 30, 2005, 3:23:40 PM UTC
              lol I know, I never told him it annoy's the hell out of me. lol
              Oh, when I do things like that, I want to hit myself! My best friend used to do that to me just because I hate it. He always would spell 'then' as 'than'. If he wasn't Joe, I'd have had to hurt him. lol
  • Jul 30, 2005, 3:12:34 PM UTC
    ^_^ uh-huh! You're welcome! Just, what's your favorite season? As in, summer, winter, fall, or spring?
    • Jul 30, 2005, 3:16:26 PM UTC
      Oooh, that sounds promising! I guess I would have to say winter or fall, I can't decide which ^_^
      • Jul 30, 2005, 3:18:54 PM UTC
        lol That's okay, I couldn't decide with fall or spring on this one. The wings are all 'fall-ish' and the rest is 'spring-ish'. lol
        • Jul 30, 2005, 3:22:03 PM UTC
          I know what you mean! But it turned out beautifully that way, don't you think? Wink I guess I'd go with winter, then. I love winter, even though winters here in SoCal (er, I mean Gondor!) are snow-less and 72 degrees! lol But I'm from Kentucky, and my heart lies in the big snow drifts (not literally ^^)
          • Jul 30, 2005, 3:29:41 PM UTC
            eh, I like how the wings came out the best. I've seen better dragonfly drawings. lol
            I love snow! In the winter in New Jersey, we can get about 6 ft. of snow at once. ^_^ It's luvly!
            In March we went down to New Orleans, Louisiana. The train took 30 hours to get there. Well, once or twice it would stop in every state for people to get off and smoke. X_X Well, me and my friend got off in Alabama at one point and it was SO hot!! Hot for us is 85 deg. The entire time we were in New Orleans, me and my friends walked around in short-shorts and tanktops. The people who lived there were in winter coats. It was kinda funny. lol
            • Jul 30, 2005, 4:44:28 PM UTC
              I think it's perfect, Katie!!
              Lol, that's funny! You're so lucky to get so much snow; it's awesome! Corky Smile
              • Jul 30, 2005, 4:51:37 PM UTC
                The weather here is crazy. One day it'll be sunny, with not a cloud in they sky. the next, there's 30 mile an hour winds! @_@
                • Jul 30, 2005, 5:54:02 PM UTC
                  OMG! Guess you never get bored, huh? Wink
                  • Jul 30, 2005, 5:56:21 PM UTC
                    ^_^ Almost never! I've always got SOMETHING to do. Weather I like it or not is a different story, but, always something keeping me active!! lol
                    • Jul 30, 2005, 6:03:29 PM UTC
                      Lol! Well, overall, that has to be a good thing ^_^
                      • Jul 30, 2005, 6:07:49 PM UTC
                        Exactly! Over all, it is good. I live my life to the very fullest I can. but on the flip side, not a lot of people can keep up with me. =^_^= Actually, I run every morning for 3 miles. And I'm still reving to go after that. ^_^
                        • Jul 30, 2005, 8:02:00 PM UTC
                          Omigosh! You must have an insanely high metabolism! But your personality matches, I think; you always seem so bouncy and energetic. I envy you! I'm such a sloth, lol ^^
                          • Jul 30, 2005, 8:17:20 PM UTC
                            lol Yes, I really do. ^_^ I'm always up for anything. ^_^ I'm hyper every day of my life. Though, I think it's good. I can run a mile in 12 minutes. So, that would tell you just how energetic I am at 6:30 am when I'm doing that. ^_^ And, yet I only sleep about 4 hours. It's kind of weird. lol
                            • Jul 30, 2005, 10:39:07 PM UTC
                              Wow. You're like the Golden Girl; super-human! lol ^_^
                              • Jul 31, 2005, 6:42:25 AM UTC
                                Laughing My mom says the same thing. Except, she's almost 55 and in bad health. So, she doesn't like how active I am. Therefor, I mayb be hyper all day and alxays moving, but it annoys her. XP So, her and my sister go out all day everyday. Laughing
                                • Jul 31, 2005, 7:58:48 AM UTC
                                  Wow, you really are good at annoying your mom, huh? lol ...Or maybe everything you do annoys her? Laughing
                                  • Jul 31, 2005, 10:38:17 AM UTC
                                    eh, I'm just fun. She doesn't like fun people. All my friends annoy her too. lol I still could never ask for a better mom. Even if she does seem to not like anything I say or do. Althogh she can be super mean, she does everything for me. There's nothing I ask for that she doesn't give, She takes me anywhere I want to go to. Like, I wanted to go to Flordia. We're going in March. So, I know she cares. Even if she does suck at letting it show. ^_^
                                    • Jul 31, 2005, 3:13:42 PM UTC
                                      Yeah, she's your mother & she loves you, whether it shows or not ^_^
                                      • Jul 31, 2005, 3:17:20 PM UTC
                                        ^_^ uh-huh! And, I suppose she doesn't mind me drawing to much. This morning she decided she wanted me to draw her this one cat from an anime I used to watch. @_@ My mom makes no sence to me half the time...
                                        • Jul 31, 2005, 3:18:56 PM UTC
                                          Wow, that is weird! She might be warming up to your artistic talents after all! Wink
                                          • Jul 31, 2005, 3:27:44 PM UTC
                                            Oh, please! Talents? You mean my dabbeling for countless hours in who only knows what to end up with something that looks like anything? Yeah, I think she actually may. That or else she knows I'm going to have a hell-hard time drawing this cat and wanted to give me pay-back for putting so much bleach and not enough water in the mix last night when I did the floors so everyone would leave the room. Angel
                                            • Jul 31, 2005, 6:12:54 PM UTC
                                              Lol! Whatever. You know you're talentted, or at least everyone else does Wink
                                              Too much bleach? Tsk tsk tsk, naughty girl! Evil
                                              • Jul 31, 2005, 7:49:09 PM UTC
                                                lol Thanks, it means a lot. ^_^
                                                Hey? It was the easiest way to get my mom and sister to leave! They were being annoying fighting over how my nephew never should be in the bottom digh rack. So, after I dumped half the bottle of bleach, no one was in the bottom dish rack and I was wearing a gas mask. ^_^ Angel Twas, harmless, really... Tongue
                                                • Jul 31, 2005, 10:55:23 PM UTC
                                                  LoL! You're just rotten, aren't you? Laughing
                                                  • Aug 1, 2005, 5:11:04 AM UTC
                                                    ah, now what on earth would give you a thought like that? Angel I was merely separating the two so they'd stop their bickering... their bickering in my ear. Laughing
                                                    • Aug 1, 2005, 11:46:37 PM UTC
                                                      Of course! You had it all planned out... so devious Evil lol!
                                                      • Aug 2, 2005, 6:26:15 AM UTC
                                                        Tis be my way. 8-) Actually, I just seem to come up with this stuff out of no where. I'm not a violent person, i get other people to do the violent parts.

                                                        *sigh* I think I'm going to have to hurt my friend. Last night he was so drunk that if he didn't live in England, I would have hurt him. @_@
                                                        • Aug 2, 2005, 11:39:40 AM UTC
                                                          Lol! You know what they say: violence is golden! (just kidding ^_^)

                                                          I'm sorry again about your friend. On the bright side, at least he didn't move to Ireland: all people do there is drink. But in England, one is at least expected to take part in other activies for the majority of the day Smile You should threaten him, tho! Laughing
                                                          • Aug 2, 2005, 3:23:44 PM UTC
                                                            thanks. ^_^ Oh, I know! My friend went to Ireland a long time ago. She said that every night someone on the street had a party and everyone was drunk. lol Yes, I should. Actually, he'll probably be on tonight. And if he's as drunk as he was last night, he's going to get a piece of my mind. And, my mind is not all pretty. LOL Laughing Laughing
                                                            • Aug 2, 2005, 7:23:45 PM UTC
                                                              LoL! You'll hafta lemme know how that goes Wink
                                                              • Aug 2, 2005, 7:25:07 PM UTC
                                                                Oh, I will. ^_^ He's not on yet, but I'll bet he'll be on later. And he better have every bit of sence he usually does. Tongue