Comment 100844

Comment ID 100844

[Art] Daius - One with the sun
Dec 23, 2020, 7:50:23 AM UTC on [Art] Daius - One with the sun
Beautiful work~ I love the composition, and how you have one of them positioned just on the edge of a dive with their head just starting to eclipse the sun. Very lovely 'moment in time' capture.

I quite like the mountains, due to their distance from the viewer you won't really see much rock texture detail anyway (though I agree, rock texture and mountains in general are just hard).

Most of the work with mountains, from what I've seen, is the different plays of rock and snow and distance perception. Along with the play of light on all the cliff faces and otherwise uneven terrain. Defining the treeline a bit (where it would be visible) might also help, depending on how much detail you want to go with.

Sorry for being such a yatter. X'D


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