" Is it just me, or is that hill walking?! "

Posted Jun 21, 2024, 3:13:57 AM UTC

Prompt #1- Walking Hills  

The people of this land travel where the herds of Muxunac take them, not only trusting the beasts to find fresh food and water for every season, but to herald the future by tracking their behavior. But these animals have poor eyesight, and sudden movement can make them upset, causing them to act erratically. 


Locals do a large portion of work at night to keep from upsetting the beasts. However, with the herds moving many miles during the day, it would be nearly impossible to track them overnight and still take care of the day-to-day necessities. 


There are no obvious buildings here. Nor vehicles. Rather, there are the “Walking Hills”; Roving cities designed to blend into the environment with real plants growing from them, moving slowly with the herd, driven by pilots and a team of people who have trained since they were young to service the many moving parts of the hill while it’s still in motion. Luckily for you, they always appreciate another set of hands. Just be careful of those mechanisms. Show your character investigating the Walking Hills. Your piece must include your character, and at least one of these walking hills as seen from either the natural-looking outside, or the surprisingly complicated mechanical insides. 


Luzit was VERY shocked when the hills started moving, even though he was told about this my the locals.

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Luzit PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd5241
12 total points
7 approved points



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  • Luzit full body


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