Arena fight

Posted Jun 14, 2024, 9:50:33 PM UTC

Weekly prompt 122:
Your character is thrust into an arena full of jeering audience members as an announcer introduces you and your adversary. On the other side of the arena a gate opens to reveal the opponent your character is to fight. Who is your character's foe in this gladiator style arena? How did your character get here? How might they approach the fight if they fight at all?

After the initial confusion wears off from suddenly being brought here, Blue would watch with caution as the other gate opens. He was pitted against a large manticore, this is going to be a difficult fight..

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Blue PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd3074
29 total points
5 approved points



  • Tall and Proud
  • Soaring with a MUCH larger beast
  • Latent Element
  • Blue relaxing in his cave


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