New Glasses, Miss?

Posted Jun 5, 2024, 7:53:46 PM UTC

Lenscrafters would take a glass disc, attach it to a wooden rod, and then use that to hold it in place as they ground it against a curved grinder. This was done to get a specific curve, to match a specific level of eyesight correction. Here, Oliver prepares to put a glass disc onto one of the rods, and then, hopefully, to pass it on to a different professional!

The shell-esque table has problems. It' is what it is at this point.

Would def appreciate tips on making sand in CSP!

Prompt: A Short-Sighted Mermaid. It turns out Laguna thought you were her brother. To be fair, anyone kind of looks like Ronin to her from a distance… and it’s hard to keep glasses on underwater. In fact, she lost them recently. Draw or write your character helping Laguna with her vision problems. Do they help her find her glasses? Help her make new eyewear? 

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