Two Pair

Posted Jun 3, 2024, 10:36:27 PM UTC

9's- The Sphinx

H: 183cm(about 6ft) L: 610cm(about 20ft; with tail, around half without)
Wingspan: 1219cm(about 4oft)

Holding himself a little more regal, but still the aloof man at the core. His hair, muscle, and bones are lighter to compensate for a set of wings to take flight, able to fly short distances if need be. 

10's- The Shrew

H: 18cm(about 7in; at shoulder, all fours, around double on hind legs) L: 100cm(about 39in; with tail, around half without)

A voracious weasel-like form with a mouth that runs along the length of the body. A majority of his mass has been moved to the hair and bones so he is a lot heavier than he looks. All of his organs have been relocated to the bottom "jaw" half. This form is useful for tight spaces and looking around ground level.

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Dee PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 🔥 #pd1037
1371 total points
10 approved points



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  • Shy
  • Judgement Day
  • Proud
  • Rural Ride
  • Hagfish
  • Ghastly
  • Strawberry Moon
  • D1-37 Power Armor


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