Merfolk concept (manta ray)

Posted May 31, 2024, 9:40:09 AM UTC

7. Draw or Write your character as a merfolk!

A concept drawing showing Nurcan as a manta ray merfolk-like being. 

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  • May 31, 2024, 12:49:47 PM UTC
    Wow this is such a fitting idea to turn Nurcan into a merfolk, knowing what her original design looks like! It looks super cool to me and I enjoy a lot how you drew the green feathers especially, they actually look like they are merging with the flow of water if that makes sense which adds to the depth of the scene.
    • Jun 1, 2024, 7:59:01 AM UTC
      I didn't expect anyone to like it really, it's so great to be proven wrong in this case. It was an art experiment for me, an exploration of a concept, so the drawing looks more like a colored sketch and yet even here you found some good qualities, I appreciate it a lot, thank you very much!

      (it's more like green hair/fur, but you are not the only person interpreting it as feathers, it is hard to tell what it is)



Nurcan PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd4000
68 total points
7 approved points



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  • [Draw The Character above] Idola
  • Pixel Portal
  • Epiale encounter
  • It's a trap!
  • Starting the search
  • Peaceful exploration
  • The need for understanding


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