A different time

Posted May 28, 2024, 3:31:49 AM UTC

95 Draw or write about a talisman for your character.

Ambo stared at the dog tag in his paws. He had done this hundreds of times before, carefully tracing the engraving on the tag. Much of the other details had been etched away, but the name was still faintly legible- "Charlie Jones".

This was the only proof that Charlie Jones had ever existed. As the years went by, Ambo had lost more and more of his memories as Charlie Jones. At first, it was painful- Ambo had tried to document as much of his past life as he could in journals and diaries. Soon though, he stopped. There was no point, and perhaps life would be easier this way. It had been years since the fateful day he ventured into the cave, never to return home again and never to be human again. He had long given up searching for a way home, and in fact, a new life wasn't so bad here. Charlie Jones would just be another casualty to the war, but Ambo? Ambo could be someone different in this world. 


also DANG, koala paws are wild!

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Ambo PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd5161
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