
Posted May 27, 2024, 10:31:07 PM UTC

#118 Something magical is happening! Your character finds themself as a paperdemon, what do they look like? What abilities do they have? Draw or write about their experience! If they are already a paperdemon, draw them as another species of your choosing.


A paperdemon? What's that? The Book of Forgotten Fables flipped to an open page, deciding that today was the day for an adventure. To be honest, when the entry first showed, Evie didn't pay it much mind. Sure, rumors of a spell that grew wings and horns on townsfolk was rapidly spreading through the forest, but just because a myth was popular didn't mean it was true. She had much bigger legends to chace. Unfortunately, Evie soon fell victim to the mysterious spell, so now she has to find an antidote. Her only lead? The notorious paperdemons themselves. If only she could find the hidden species, maybe she would be able to ask them for answers. Were they the ones that created this spell? If not them, who?

And... one other problem... after being turned into a paperdemon, Evie can no longer communicate with other nymphs in their plant forms. This will make it a whole lot harder for her to gather information and find the mysterious species -- if they exist at all.

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Evie PaperDemon Art RPG πŸ§‘πŸ½ #pd4904
27 total points
5 approved points



  • Magical Girl Evie
  • Mushroom Mania!
  • A Slimy Success
  • The Book of Forgotten Fables


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