Drakumet: The Conqueror

Posted May 25, 2024, 2:06:07 AM UTC

  You thrive in the face of adversity.  Everything you do, you strive to be the best of the best.  There is no problem you cannot overcome, no hurdle you cannot jump, no obstacle you cannot break.  


Cyranus the Red is the most powerful of the Dragon Gods;  convinced his siblings to rebel against their Primal parents and sieze the world for themselves.  He resided in a sea of molten rock and brimstone near his kingdom, where the smoke and flame obscures the fact that his physical form is somewhat small compared to his brothers and sisters.  He was the last of the Dragon Gods to fall, as he used the molten core of the world to smite his enemies and blacken the sky until Zephram, the Hammer, electrified the clouds of smoke, forcing Cyranus to land and face those whom he’d enslaved.




  • The Conquerer is a natural-born leader.  His endless charisma defines him, that even those who consider him an enemy will give pause before speaking against her.
  • The Conquerer is often blessed with beauty.  He  is lucky in love, having no issues in finding a mate or many mates.
  • The Conquerer is an active problem-solver.  He excels at addressing conflicts as they arise and making sure his ultimate goals are accomplished.


  • The Conquerer’s weakness is vanity.  Any appeal or attack on his self image will either blind him to one’s ulterior motives, or drive him into a defensive rage against the one who dared insinuate he was less than the best or greatest.
  • The Conquerer’s bravado is a mask and a shield.  If one is able to pierce that nigh impenetrable armor of charisma, they would find a vulnerable and pathetic reality of who he truly is.  
  • The Conquerer has many aquaintances but few friends.  He shares his life, and bed, with many but rarely achieves genuine intimacy, as his own pride keeps him from achieving it.

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