Blood bond journey- WIP

Posted May 6, 2024, 6:37:19 AM UTC

Been super into drawing art of my Wednesday night RP game (Vampire the Masqurade) lately, and last session we did a blood magic ritual to step inside the mind of a vampire in topur, Billy. Not sure what we were getting ourselves into, James, Dorian, and Leo are sent to a medieval village where they're dressed in strange clothes. James a knight, Dorian a Warlock, and Leo a Seerer. The session turned into a DND quest then to find Billy's soul, and convince him to wake up XD Apparently they were very difficult rolls and there was a high chance of us failing, but the dice gods were on our side! Looks like James' soul isn't going to fall into darkness yet <3

Lineart stage for this. There's a lot of issues, and stuff I need to add, but I wanted to share cause I'm excite. 

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