The Many Colors of Lawrence

Posted Apr 18, 2024, 10:54:29 PM UTC

Depending on certain metals and minerals, Lawrence can change his inner magma colors. He uses it mostly as a party trick to entertain folks though.


the second color swatch above however is a little different, that's just him sleeping. He stops the flow of his magma to conserve energy and it solidifies into rock. His core condenses into his chest tightly and idly glows as he snoozes. It's really hard to wake him up, even more so since he has to wait for the lava flow in his body has to start (very similar to sleep paralysis).


His shirt collection is also present. The guy likes to collect Hawaiian shirts that remind him of his friends/family/partners 


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  • Youthful daydream
  • A warm momento
  • Blue Rose Bard
  • Secluded Celebration
  • Angelic Beauty
  • The Scholar
  • Toasty Surfer
  • Search party


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