High Card

Posted Apr 12, 2024, 4:20:05 AM UTC

The Joker- Stefan V. Harclay


A human disguise for him to blend in with. Wears a mask so he doesn't accidentally bite people- his teeth are still sharp.

The King- Dee-ragon

(H:1981.2cm(65ft) L:2804.2cm(92ft))

A large dragon that's used to blend into mountains. With tiny eyes, he cannot see well outside of what's beside him like a pterodactyl. Has paw pads for lightly padding across the ice.


The Queen- Horse(?)

(183cm(6ft) at shoulder)

We think it's a horse. He talks and has hands that are good at throwing apples back at you. A general good war mount and can lift a decent amount. How he sees is a mystery but it's theorized they're in the caved in nasal structure.


The Jack- Pile of Worms

(Unknown height, varies)

A very severe reaction to magical areas, essentially pulling his body into a semi-liquid form. Can pull himself into more than one body as long as a connection is kept between the brain and organs stay in tact.


All links lead to isolated images.

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Dee PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 🔥 #pd1037
1172 total points
5 approved points



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  • Off the Hook
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  • Turning Up the Heat


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