Khaos Hiding A Squeaky Toy

Posted Mar 4, 2024, 3:56:49 AM UTC

#107 You've been given an item to hide or sell quickly! What's the first thing you try? What ends up working? Also what is the item?


So, to give a bit of context, there are people who become Nightmare Hunters to hunt down and either relocate or capture Nightmares. Relocation is their actual job as Nightmares can and do take up residence in job buildings and residences, but they hunt down Nightmares kinda like horrible pokemon to gain more prestige as a Nighmare Hunter and to somewhat do their job better. Nightmares are able to sense other Nightmares and what type for instance.  An experienced Nightmare Hunter tends to be a lot older, and can have multiple Nightmares of an S-tier catagory all attached to that soul-gem that is seen on this NH's chest. The gem takes on the color of the NH person's soul, and when attached to a Nightmare, changes the eyes of the NH in question to be more....snake-like. The more Nightmares attached to the gem, the more nightmareish the hunter's eyes become.


In this case, this is a younger/newer Nightmare Hunter who hasn't fully learned the ropes. He was given a more docile S-Tier for his job as there's no way at his skill level he could get one himself. He still believes that Nightmares cannot act like a normal person, and the only reason he's suspicious of Khaos at all is because of the odd hands and mask. Now if he were able to see Khaos's full body, that would be a different story, but that is why Khaos hides the entire time. If it had been a more experienced hunter, well...Khaos wouldn't just be hiding the squeaky toy Nightmare. Lucky, right?

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Khaos PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd4217
65 total points
5 approved points



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  • Joys Of The Multiverse
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  • Symphony Of Stars
  • Slime Relocation
  • Khaos Floating in the Rainbow Waters
  • Khaos Helpin out Asriel
  • Khaos and Asriel Fire Hazard


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