Bertrand Cohen

Posted Feb 24, 2024, 3:27:29 PM UTC

Portrait of Oriannis' character, the ever-anxious Bertrand Cohen.

Ori has my permission to use this art however he pleases.

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  • Feb 25, 2024, 6:52:44 AM UTC
    Handsome man TuT
    • Feb 26, 2024, 3:36:05 AM UTC
      Isn’t he, though? I just wanna pinch his anxious little cheeks.
  • Feb 24, 2024, 5:51:31 PM UTC
    This πŸ‘ is πŸ‘ ah- πŸ‘ maz- πŸ‘ ing πŸ‘
    • Feb 26, 2024, 3:37:15 AM UTC
      Gah! Thank you so much!! I’m having a lot of fun with these pieces lately.





  • Aurolin Tynn
  • Kirianne Everness
  • First Spark
  • Forging Friendships
  • Meadow Dragon
  • Only You
  • Summer Nights
  • Slime Couture
  • Orc in a Cave


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