Cast and his Phoenix Feather

Posted Feb 15, 2024, 3:32:52 PM UTC

This is Cast and his trinket, one of the eight Phoenix Feathers, passed down through the Phoenix Kingdom royal bloodline. Each feather grants a different power to its user. This one with the concentric stars is the Action Command feather, which allows the holder to do more with their attacks, like hitting an enemy twice. It's just like Paper Mario. He needs it on him thought. It takes years to internalize the powers and use them without the feathers. It's not just for physical use. When Edith was captured by Axrus-San, she smuggled this feather to Cast so he could be strong enough to face all my enemies. It was the first gift she ever gave him, and it serves as a constant reminder of his beloved girlfriend, who he is always determing to save.

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