Well This Wasn't Here Before

Posted Feb 12, 2024, 12:22:51 PM UTC

Odias was going to return to his adventure after spending First Light with his family, but the portal back went somewhere else entirely. Sure, the Airritare portal is unstable, but it was pretty consistent in its location up til now. What happened?

Prompt #5 - Freestyle

Have an exciting idea of your own about how to handle the story? You can make up your own prompt if your character has a different approach. Does your character use this opportunity to use the disoriented portals to teleport their home to a tropical location? Do they empty out a bank vault by redirecting a portal in the chaos? Draw or write about your character’s own adventure. Your piece must include your character and something related to the quest.

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Odias PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 🔥 #pd1610
270 total points
7 approved points



  • Caught an Eel
  • It's Not Very Effective
  • Sand Castle
  • Sick Day
  • Sneeze
  • Trying his Best
  • First Hunt
  • Hatched
  • Hatching


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  • ✅ is visible in art section and tag searches