Unarin's Talisman

Posted Dec 24, 2023, 4:32:17 PM UTC

There are many objects that Unarin carries around that could function as a talisman, perhaps more effectively magic-wise. However, he considers this necklace of bird skulls and stones strung together with a strip of leather to be the most meaningful.

Due to his earth magic, Unarin can sense and utilize the energies found in certain minerals, as well as store his own energy in them for later use. He has found these stones along his travels, allowing him access to different types of magic resonances from various worlds. The bird skulls hold sentimental value, as they were given to him by one of the few people he trusts. Bird skulls are very fragile, so Unarin has coated them with a resinous substance to prevent damage. He usually wears this necklace underneath his clothing.

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